By Alex Dillon @ADillon__
Main event time as Frankie Edgar and Cub Swanson get the action underway in this featherweight feature bout.Edgar starts fast looking to control the opening stages.Swanson lands a few of his own in reply to Edgar. Edgar attempts the take down but Swanson defends it with a smile. Swanson lands some sweet strikes but gets too over confident, misses a big swing and Edgar lands the take down. Edgar clinches the first with the take downs.
Round two begins with Swanson landing to the body but Edgar replies with a big right which opens up a cut to Cubs head. Cubs eye really cut, Edgar all about the ground and pound in this round from the take down, in half guard Frankie is reigning down some hard elbows. Big round for Edgar there.
Third round underway and Edgar lands another take down. Story of the fight for him, these takedowns really working for his ability to control the fight. Swanson really doesn't seem to have an answer once hes taken down. Needs to be standing to have a chance of winning this one, currently going to be 3-0 down if this carries on. Edgar lands more elbows on the ground, dominance from the New Jersey native. Swanson really offering nothing at this stage.
Round four begins with Cub landing a big body kick but Edgar absorbs with no bother. Edgar lands yet another take down putting Cub in all sorts of frustration.Edgar looks to work a submission in the form of a rear naked choke but opts for more ground and pound instead as Cub really has no answer for this barrage. Another dominant round for Frankie Edgar.
Round five underway and Swanson is told by Greg Jackson in the corner that he must knock this dude out. Cub Swanson attempts a kick but Edgar is wise to it as usual in his fights and grabs it into a take down. Edgar still looking for the submission late in the 5th but it doesn't seem likely but hang on Edgar finishes it with less than 10 seconds to go! wow!! awesome performance!
What do the UFC do with Edgar now?
Frankie Edgar def. Cub Swanson via submission (rear-naked choke) at 4:56 of Round 5
Results: Frankie Edgar submits Cub Swanson in dominant performance at UFC Fight Night Austin
cub swanson
frankie edgar
main event
ufc fight night 57
ufc fight night austin
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