Contender Promotions to host four man memorial tournament in honour of fallen hero Nathan Cuthbertson
by Andreas Georgiou - @AGeorgiouMMAContender Promotions have announced their next big event, lined up for November 8 in Middlesbrough. Following on from Nathan Cuthbertson's memorial held at the July 19th event, Contender Promotions have some huge news to announce.
After a massive response from fans, fighters and coaches; Contender Promotions have been in talks with Pegasus MuayThai and Nathan's family to bring fans a unique style tournament.
The proposal is for real heroes from Para, Army, Marine and Airforce all to compete in a four man K-1 kickboxing style tournament, spanning different weight classes.
These real life heroes will fight for the Nathan Cuthbertson memorial belt; a replica version of the belt presented to Nathan's family by Contender promotions.
You can watch the presentation of the belt here:
This one off tournament will be named in Honour of Nathan The Cuthy 200 Hero's Championship."
As well as this huge memorial tournament, the bill will also include a plethora of professional fights, Garry Bell has promised this to be the biggest event to date.
"It's great to be working with like minded people, I believe in helping others as well as working hard to progress myself and my team.
After fans and fighters asked how we were going to beat July 19th I knew this would make for some fantastic entertainment whilst driving home a real heart felt message.”
He added: “I believe Contender Promotions is no where near the level it's going to be one day, I work tirelessly round the clock to make things happen.
I believe my ideas and time I put in are what makes us different to other promotions.
Thanks to every body who supports us."
Anybody currently serving or a veteran of the armed forces wanting to be a part of this great night on November 8th please contact Promoter Garry Bell at:
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