
Shoebridge on his plans for WFS "I don't see why we can't be up there with the big names in UK MMA"

Kingdom MMA catches up with WFS Promoter Harry Shoebridge ahead of WFS's debut show

by Chris Houten @mrhouts

Earlier this week Kingdom MMA caught up with UK MMA's youngest promoter Harry Shoebridge to discuss Warrior Fight Series (WFS) debut show as well as his plans for the future of the promotion. WFS1 takes place on June 14th and will be held at the White Oaks Centre, Swanley.

Chris: Harry, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. Some fans will know you from your time with UCMMA, but for those who might not, give us a little insight into your background and your new promotion Warrior Fight Series, who will be putting on their debut show in June.
Shoebridge: Yes i was the events manager for UCMMA for many years but i felt i needed a change so i set up WFS which debut's on June 14th, we've got some awesome fights lined up and i cannot wait for fight night.

Chris: Your first show takes place June 14, how many months has this show been in the making and have the difficulties of launching a new promotion and arranging your first show been everything you expected?
Shoebridge: The show came as a bit of a surprise. I was made an offer and with my partner being pregnant at the time with our first child, I couldn't refuse it! As for difficulties, I'm pretty experienced in all the things needed to run a show, so it's been fairly easy for me compared to someone who may be a newcomer.

Chris: Are you match making yourself for this event, or do you have someone working as match maker?
Shoebridge: I usually speak to the fighters but i always cross-reference with George (McCann) to get his opinion on things, so it's a team effort.

Chris: Your debut show has a couple of title fights so far in George vs Miller and Neun vs Clarkson, both cracking fights. How did these fights come about?
Shoebridge: Those fights are awesome, having ranked guys on our first show just shows you what our ambitions are. The fights come about by me wanting some quality fights and scouring the ranking for those that aren't signed to exclusive deals with other promotions. Very few aren't now so luckily when approached they all said yes.

Chris: Is the card for WFS 1 now set, or can we expect any further additions in the lead up to the event?
Shoebridge: Majority of the card is set, but as with any card there may be a few late additions if opportunities present themselves.

Chris: Your debut card will feature a mixture of professional bouts and amateur bouts. Is this a format you will run with for the foreseeable future or do you envision a time when you will only put on pro bouts?
Shoebridge: No i think the pro main card will be a thing we run with, we only planned on having 2 pro fights, the main and co-main, and planned on them being really solid. We got those fights in Neun-Clarkson and George-Miller but things happen and we ended up with now 6 pro fights and a unified amateur undercard.

Chris: Your debut show takes place on the same evening that England begin their World Cup campaign, brave move to go up against the 3 Lions wouldn't you say?
Shoebridge: It certainly is, but we've made sure that everything will run smoothly so that the fans can be out of the venue and at home with their feet up with plenty of time to spare for kick-off.

Chris: Are WFS doing any drug testing for this show, and do you plan on working with Safe MMA for your first show?
Shoebridge: We wont be doing any drug testing as it is very, very costly however we will be doing blood tests. Safe MMA will be a thought in the future, for sure.

Chris: Is there a reason behind not working with Safe MMA and would you like to do so in the future?
Shoebridge: The reason is that it's expensive. Although they have waived the promotion fee, we would still feel the need to cover the cost of the pro fighters Safe MMA bills and doing that for 12 guys is a lot of money in UK MMA terms.

Chris: Do you plan on making the show available online, whether it's live or delayed on youtube for fans who can't be in attendance?
Shoebridge: Yes fights will be uploaded to our youtube channel after the event.

Chris: I know tickets for WFS 1 are on sale now, where can fans buy tickets and how well are tickets selling?
Shoebridge: Tickets are doing surprisingly well actually, which is a bit of a middle finger to anyone saying it was silly to go up against England's first world cup game. You can buy tickets online here:

Chris: How many events do you think Warriors Fight Series will put on this year?
Shoebridge: The aim to be three shows deep by 2015.

Chris: Having previously worked with UCMMA, will WFS stick to the formula of building up a solid fan base in one location as they have done with The Troxy, or do you plan to take the show on the road?
Shoebridge: No, we plan on travelling because there's so much more to UK MMA than a set location. We plan on taking some southern guys to northern areas and vice versa, in a smart, financially viable manner. WFS champions will have credibility.

Chris: Where do you see Warrior Fight Series 3 years from now?
Shoebridge: 3 years from now, we'll be at least 12 shows in to what is looking like a great promotion and one that the community of UK MMA fans can be proud of. Hopefully a TV deal of some sort in place giving these guys some exposure on the box and with the growth of the sport in general i don't see why we can't be up there with the big names in UK mixed martial arts.

Chris: Can you tell me what your aspirations for the promotion are?
Shoebridge: They're big, that's what i can say. I've just had my first child so i need no extra motivation to make this work.

Chris: What's the ultimate goal?
Shoebridge: For us to be recognised as a respected promotion across the UK and for gyms and coaches to want their fighters to fight on WFS because of the great feedback they've received from it.

Chris: Finally, what sets WFS apart from all the other promotions in the UK?
Shoebridge: It's little things that will set us apart that you'll see on fight night, I plan on using my experience in the field to make sure this is a great night for everyone, fighters, fans, press, everyone!

Lastly, I'd like to thank all the sponsors for the show: Lonsdale, Daily Sport, Wildcat Energy Drink,, Ansetts Scaffolding, Shoebridge Plastering and Shisha Vapes.

Thank you for your time Harry and we wish you all the best for the future including the smooth running of your debut show on June 14th.

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